The Law
The Law

Oregon State Medical Examiner/Death Investigation Law
Oregon Revised Statutes: Chapter 146 — Investigations of Deaths, Injuries and Missing Persons
146.090 Deaths Requiring Investigation
(1) The medical examiner shall investigate and certify the cause and manner of all human deaths:
- (a.) Apparently homicidal, suicidal or occurring under suspicious or unknown circumstances;
- (b.) Resulting from the unlawful use of controlled substances or the use or abuse of chemicals or toxic agents;
- (c.) Occurring while incarcerated in any jail, correction facility or in police custody;
- (d.) Apparently accidental or following an injury;
- (e.) By disease, injury or toxic agent during or arising from employment;
- (f.) While not under the care of a physician during the period immediately previous to death;
- (g.) Related to disease which might constitute a threat to the public health; or
- (h.) In which a human body apparently has been disposed of in an offensive manner.
(2) As used in this section, “offensive manner” means a manner offensive to the generally accepted standards of the community. [1973 c.408 §12; 1979 c.744 §4; 1985 c.207 §1]